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  • Auto-change?

    I read somewhere that my Outlook account can prompt me to change my e-mail every so often to change my password to increase security.
    Is this a setting I can turn on or do I have to have something added in to the actual software to accomplish this?

  • #2
    There is no need to change settings if you talking about the standalone Outlook application. Microsoft Office 365 account (i.e. may ask you to change the password from time to time to increase the security, however I did not hear yet that they doing this often. Probably you should check your computer for viruses. Plus be careful when you receiving the email asking you to change the password, it can be the email fishing and you can be ****ed this way. Don't click any links in such emails, check the sender and the links. Take care.


    • #3
      I think Outlook will never prompt you to change your password by itself. If you receive a message like this, take it with a huge grain of salt. As previously said, you might be virused and somebody is looking to gain access to your mail account.

